This is my first attempt at building a personal website. The icon on
the left would indicate otherwise (I just had to put it there because I
love it), but rather than throw up some random pages, I've made an
effort to make it somewhat XML/HTML compliant. I've used cascading
style sheets, javascript etc. so that I can update it more easily in
the future.
It's taken me a while to put the infrastructure together, but it would have taken even longer had I had not borrowed liberally from other websites that with wonderful schemes & layouts. I'd like to acknowledge them here and encourage you to visit their sites:
- is just a fountain of knowledge about blogging. He (and other authorities on the subject) use
Movable TypeWordPress, but I'm a weblog newbie and am using - I can't remember how I first ended up at I think I stumbled across it when I was trying to find some javascript source. He's a remarkably talented and creative guy, be sure to look at his photography and videos.
- Meg Hourihan's personal website is She's one of the founders.
As I add new features, I'll update this page so you can see what resources I used.
Web References
- contains some educational (and free!) tutorials on web design. I'm so impressed that I'm considering buying Andy King's new book on web site optimization
- Simian Design has a handy simple character entity reference
- Most of the articles on A List Apart (ALA) go over my head, but some of them are simple enough for me to follow... and help me improve my website. One of ALA's publishers is Jeffrey Zeldman, who keeps a blog on web design.
- Cascading style cheat sheet
- CSS positioning in ten steps
- Blogger Buster provides invaluable hints & tips for building a better blog with Blogger!
- W3C link checker to avoid broken links