My name is Lauren Wu. I am from many places, including Toronto, Canada
(where I was born), Hong Kong (where I grew up), Boston (where I
obtained my MBA), New York (where I worked briefly) and San Francisco
(where I now reside with the love of my life, Daddy Liu).
Please note the following about my name:
- My name is pronounced "lore-RENNE" (as in "Sophia LOREN"), and not "LORE-uhn"
- I respond to Lauren, (Ms.) Lauren Wu and (Mrs.) Lauren Liu, but not "Mrs. David Liu". I love my husband, but I do have an identity separate from his! ;-)
- Even though I'm married, I'm not changing my last name. Perhaps I will drop my surname altogether, like "Madonna" or "Cher"
I've worked in a number of industries, including technology, management consulting, investment banking, venture capital and public investing/asset management. For my birthday this year, my husband, Dave, compiled selected Dilbert cartoon strips to summarize my recent career history. He calls it "Wubert".
Part of this site is a health & fitness weblog which I'm going to use to post reviews of certifications I've completed, like Turbo Kick, personal race results, and general health topics. Read about my first major triathlon: Treasure Island Sprint!
Teaching group exercise is another hobby of mine, primarily cardio kickboxing and step aerobics. My primary certification is through ACE (American Council of Exercise) which I obtained in August 2002. My other certifications include YMCA Group Fitness Instructor, YMCA Martial Arts/ICSA Thomas "The Promise", Turbo Kick and Cycle Reebok/YMCA Indoor Group Cycling. I used to be a group fitness instructor at various YMCA locations in the Bay Area Peninsula, but I'm slowing down now that I have a new little man in my life!